Apple Tree: Reflections and actions for the here and now

'The Apple Tree' came about at the end of March 2020 during the Covid-19 outbreak.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world was over, I would plant an apple tree in my garden."

Martin Luther/Martin Luther King

My memory takes me back to a poster in my sister's room. I was about 16 and at the pick of my teen’s rebellion when I first read this quote, however together with my rebellion even at that age I had poetry and romance in my heart often pouring a touch of melancholy into my everyday life. I often loved to sit on the grass watching sunsets and thinking that one day I would go back home.

When few days ago that quote resurfaced in my memory, I found myself touched just like then and thinking: yes I'd plant my apple tree now, no matter what.

Yes, I’d plant my apple tree and not because I am an incurable optimist or I always see the glass half full, but simply because I believe in the here and now. So, I have decided to stop with the hopes of tomorrow. I now live in the powerful certainty of today, even if rich in its uncertainties.

Today is my very day, today is the day I accomplish my goal and my dream of a better world, today I give the whole of myself to the things I love, to my family, to my friends, to the projects I have at heart.

Today I work hard to expand the quantum possibilities of tomorrow, potential expression of this very present.

Today I listen to my precious body and give it the time it needs to be nurtured along with my fond gratitude for its existence.

Today I quiet the deceiving sirens of the speakers on duty, and listen to my heart, my thoughts and follow my own path.

Today I listen to the music that makes me happy and makes me dance without embarrassment.

Today I spend some time in silence enchanting myself with that sounds, ears cannot hear.

Today I go to my neighbor I have not seen for a long time, I ring that colleague who was not well, today I decide to wear that beautiful dress kept in my wardrobe for those ‘special’ occasions.

What is a ‘special’ occasion if not what makes me happy now?

Today I pray my God with gratitude for the life I have.

Today I return child by watching the innocence in the little ones.

Today I plant that blimming apple tree in my garden, not tomorrow.

Dr Mariano Spiezia


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