Boost your skin’s immunity

Did you know that 25% of our body’s immune system is contained within the skin?
It protects our organs as well as help regulate our temperature. It’s important to keep the skin healthy and balanced as if weakened, it also weakens our immune response.
The skin contains billions of friendly bacteria and fungi that live peacefully and in harmony with it. This is known as skin flora or skin microbiome and it is essential as a barrier to some allergens and environmental toxins. The imbalance of the skin microbiome may in fact represent one of the causes of the development of some skin conditions.
Even something as innocuous as variations in temperature and humidity or simply a change of season can throw skin off balance.
The health of our skin microbiome is just as important as our gut microbiome in keeping us healthy.
Just like our bodies need a strong immune system to stay healthy, live better and longer, our skin needs a good immunity to prevent damage and keep its natural radiance.
So, the same way our bodies need the right food to ward off sickness, our skin needs the right nutrients and active antioxidants to show a youthful-looking glow.
Happy microbiome happy you!
- Avoid anything that can dry out your skin too much. If you are having to use alcohol based antibacterials, make sure you counteract these with an organic, highly nourishing balm. Anti-bacterials strip away 'bad' bacteria but with it also the good ones.
- Keep your skin clean but don’t overdo it by using antimicrobial soaps (unless advised by a professional for some specific skin conditions.)
- Drink enough pure water to hydrate inside out. Hot water with lemon is great in winter!
- Remember to consciously breathe – you’ll be surprised at how easily we can forget to breathe properly when we’re working on the computer or generally feeling stressed. Lack of oxygen can cause a higher build up of toxins. TIP: try out some yoga pranayama techniques; as well as bringing more oxygen to your body (increase of blood flow) they can also alleviate stress helping calm the mind and sleep better.
- Boosting skin immunity also requires a healthy & balanced diet. Try and eat organic, seasonal and local foods which will have a higher content of essential fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals.
Your skin doesn’t need a whole separate product to balance and activate its immunity. It just needs a skincare routine and preferably water-free products that naturally draw in immunity-building antioxidants.
Focusing on the skin biochemistry, the power of Nature and the connection between the two, our products work not only on but with your skin, bringing beauty to life…
As you know we advocate a good daily routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising – this is not only key for healthy balanced skin, but in turn also helps your skin to strengthen.
‘Healthy skin is beautiful skin’ was Dr Spiezia’s credo behind the creation of Inlight Beauty's formulas.
Here our skincare suggestions to boost skin health aiding overall wellness :
Calendula & Damask Rose Soothing Balm is an exceptional multi-purpose balm to keep with you at all times. It is ideal to calm sore, irritated skin and prevent redness (especially with the over use of sanitisers) With anti- inflammatory Calendula, regenerative and antioxidant Damask Rose oil and lavender which is an effective antibacterial.
Skincare Essential Set - Dr Spiezia's 3 step system and base of any beauty routine. Clean skin is key to healthy skin.
Deep Moisture Balm – a great daily moisturiser, particularly for the colder months and dry/tired skin.
Foot Balm – we carry a lot tension in our feet. This is a fantastic multi-tasking balm to revive tired, aching feet and legs. With a gentle lavender fragrance it will also help you to unwind after a long shift.
For an intense night-time nourishment, Night Balm will help to revitalise fatigued skin and aid a good night’s sleep. It also stimulates skin cell regeneration which is so important for skin damaged by PPE.
Body Oil with anti-inflammatory arnica works to relax and soothe aching joints and Body Butter is a rich and comforting alternative to restore, soothe and replenish dry skin.
Finally, our reviving Super-Food Mask or nourishing Chocolate Mask is a perfect addition to a well deserved weekly pamper evening!