Bringing Spice & Warm into your life

‘ The need to eat or drink warming foods in winter is not only for comfort, but also as a specific response to our bodies’ request.’ Says Dr Spiezia.
‘The cold weather reduces the blood flow towards the skin and surface of our body, resulting in a chemical signal that we translate as a necessity to eat or drink something hot. This balances our system by speeding up the blood flow.’
Our NEW Spicy & Warm herbal tea-fusion is designed to be one of the perfect responses to the cold dull days, designed to bring warmth and spice to your life!
Most of the 100% organic ingredients have “warming” action, such as ginger, cinnamon, white pepper and clove bud, stimulating the blood circulation and bringing a sense of much needed ‘comfort’.
The warmth that each sip of warm tea, will relax the body and new vibrant energy will stimulate the senses from the stomach or ‘core’ outwards, reaching the brain and creating a joyful and relaxed sense of well-being, or as we like to say, Bringing Nature to Life…
Did you know that in India the stomach area corresponds to the third chakra (Manipura) linked to the fire element, represented with the colour yellow for warmth? It seems fitting that the warmth should start from here and spread outwards.
Inlight Spicy & Warm revealed:
Here is what you will find in our hand blended tea fusion Spicy & Warm:
Cinnamon warming, anti-oxidant, (rich in polyphenols), anti-bacterial
Ginger root warming, digestive, stimulant, anti-inflammatory
Hibiscus rich in Vit C, anti-oxidant
Cloves bud warming, soothing, anti-bacterial, carminative
Star anise anti-spasmodic, improves digestion, anti-oxidant
Marigold anti-oxidant (rich in beta-carotene), anti-inflammatory
White Pepper warming, anti-bacterial
Orange Peel Vit C/A/B, immune booster, rich in flavonoids (anti-oxidant)
Give it a try and remember that tea can be part of a wellness ritual, and in many countries drinking tea is at the heart of social events and gatherings. Besides its hydrating benefits, tea is something to share with others, a wonderful opportunity to relax, recharge and cleanse your body from the inside out.