Intuitive Skincare

By listening to our body’s skin signals, we can take closer care of ourselves and tailor our skincare to exactly what is needed.

One-size-fits-all Skincare

You may have heard of “cleanse, tone, moisturise” and whilst this is a great start, many of us know that it does not address all the complexities of our complexions.

The beauty industry largely assumes that we all have the same skincare goals and that following set steps will have the same results for everyone. At Inlight Beauty, we understand that every person is as unique as their skin. Different products will be relevant at different times in our lives as well as from day to day and season to season.

Skin Type vs. Skin Condition

Skin type is largely dictated by our genetics and is the skin we are born with. All skin types can be brought into balance with thoughtful skincare choices. Most people believe they have one, or a mixture of the following skin types:

  • Dry - Tightness after cleansing, rough or flake patches, sometimes dullness or itchiness.
  • Oily - The appearance of open pores, make-up sometimes separates, shiny areas.
  • Combination - Displays signs of oily or dry skin in different areas, or at different times.
  • Sensitive - Can react negatively to factors like ingredients, weather, stress, and hormones.

Skin Conditions can also be genetic but are triggered or worsened by our lifestyle choices and are often a symptom of our skin type. They tend to be more temporary or ebb and flow with flare-ups and calmer periods. Examples of skin conditions can be acne, rosacea, eczema etc. Some ingredients and environmental factors can cause a temporary condition or reaction. Conditions require specific care that addresses the issue and sometimes medical expertise.

Listen to your skin

Look for the following signals in your skin to signify if you need to make a change to your lifestyle or skincare. Whatever your skincare goals are, our friendly customer service team is happy to help you choose the best products for your skin’s situation. Open a new chat today or email If you have any concerns, please see a medical professional.

Relief from


Itchy or sensitive feeling skin. This can occur all over on just in certain areas. Think about changes in your lifestyle and products that may have triggered itchy or irritated skin. Try stripping back your skincare routine and slowly introduce new products one at a time to monitor your skin's response.

Discover Our Relief Balm



It may feel tight in areas or lack radiance. Dehydrated skin is a sign of water loss through the epidermis. Deeply moisturising balms will help restore the skins barrier, giving back a natural healthy glow.

Soothe Dry Skin



An immune response in the body. Similar to irritation, but inflammation can show up as redness and is sometimes warm to the touch. Our reccomendation to help counter flare ups is Floral Tonic, packed with calming, cooling and refreshing ingredients.

Discover Floral Tonic

Help with


Pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads can be a sign of acne. Changes to our diet and lifestyle can help with pimples, alongside a gentle and restorative skincare regime.

Discover Essential Trio

Seasons of Skincare

You may find different seasons require different skincare requirements. Winter tends to dry out our skin with central heating. Large fluctuations in temperature and humidity can leave skin feeling unbalanced. Meanwhile summer skin requires protection and replenishment for support during the dry, sunny months.

Winter Skincare:

  • Choose oil-based moisturisers during the winter months to provide a protective layer against the elements and thermic swing. This is a great time to try water-less skincare if you haven't before.
  • Even if you are not a fan of moisturising before bed, during winter it’s worth using a rich balm on your face as this will help keep the moisture in when the skin is at its most relaxed.
  • Drink plenty of water. As tempting as coffees and hot chocolates are, water and herbal teas may be more hydrating for both your body and your skin.

Additional Tips for Intuitive Skincare:

  • Mindful Product Selection Take time to check ingredients, try samples and testers and make sure to look for accreditations that are important to you. Follow your intuition when choosing products to avoid un-loved and un-used products building up in drawers!
  • Application Matters Experiment with different times of the day, using less product, in specific areas, layering. Explore massage tools like Gua Sha and cupping to maximise lymphatic drainage and overall skin health.
  • Simplify your routine If you’re struggling to find a solution, try stripping back your routine and re-introducing products slowly to give your skin space to recover and help you to find the cause of your symptoms.
  • Be patient. We recommend trying a product for 4-6 weeks before making an analysis as often the results are better over time, and the true impact of a product can be seen.
  • More Seasonal Lifestyle Tips:

    Beating the winter blues

    Post-Summer Skin