How not to over-indulge this Festive Season

In many ways December is the best time of year, it connects and brings loved ones together to celebrate. However, it is easy to over-indulge and with all the gatherings and parties you can find yourself burnt out before you even get to Christmas Eve.
It’s hard to resist when the scent of hot mulled wine fills your nose and there’s delicious food where ever you go. These extra indulgences can leave you sluggish and tired both inside and out. Here are a few tips from Dr Spiezia to help keep you healthy and happy:
- Start as you mean to go on: Begin every day with a large glass of water and a few drops of lemon juice. This will promote digestion and increase the metabolic rate.
- Prepare: Try to eat your main meal earlier in the day and avoid grazing.
- Balance: When loading your plate with seasonal dishes, go heavy on the greens and light on the carbs. A fresh, raw salad before a meal will help digestion.
- Plan: If you know you have a big lunch booked, choose a lighter breakfast that includes fresh fruit and plan a smaller dinner.
- Pace yourself: Don’t over-do the alcohol. Keep track of how many you have and you’ll feel smug when you have a clear head the following day.
- Stay hydrated: Water is, of course, the best way to hydrate your body but boost your hydration with Herbal Teas. Our Organic Herbal-Fusions add an invigorating explosion of colour, aroma and vitality to plain hot water. Find them here.
- Keep moving: A walk in the crisp, fresh air after a meal will help that post-feast crash.
- Choose organic: Organic contains ‘vital’ life which will give you energy and help balance an ‘overindulged’ system.
- Take some time for you: Don’t feel you have to go to every single party. It’s OK to indulge in a bit of you time as well.
- Stay on top of skincare: Be sure to take the time for your daily skincare ritual. Don't skip it because you're short on time, it's important to keep yourself nourished both inside and out. Our Essential Trio is the perfect ritual to keep your face party-ready.
December doesn’t have to be the month that breaks your body. If you take care of yourself, both inside and out you can start the New Year feeling refreshed instead of broken. However, if you do over-do the party season, or if you just want an extra boost to see in the New Year, we’ve got the perfect remedy. Our comprehensive 4-week plan, The Detox & Revive Programme, is designed to clear, cleanse and energise you on all levels. An ideal way to start the year. Find out more here.
Don’t forget final postage for your Christmas shopping is Friday 20th December and if you just can't decide what to get your special someone, give the gift of choice with an Inlight Gift Card, find out more here.
From all the team at Inlight, we wish you a very Merry Christmas.