Move Over Anti-Ageing Skincare, Pro-Ageing Skincare Is Here

Ageing will happen whether we like it or not, however we can age mindfully if we so choose, supporting our bodies through this transition, thus slowing down the visible effects of ageing.
This is why we support Pro-Ageing over Anti-Ageing. Why should we be ‘anti’ the most natural progression of life?
What Is Pro-Ageing Skincare?
The term Pro-Ageing is one of empowerment, allowing us to feel confident and age gracefully.
It supports our ageing process, aiming to embrace the signs of ageing rather than preventing or hiding them. It supports the skin during this natural transition which in turn can help to slow down visible changes.
It’s not a rejection of skincare and beauty overall, and is certainly not ‘letting go’. Pro-Ageing means accepting the beauty in getting older.
Anti-Ageing Skincare
Anti-ageing skincare tends to be a weapon, not a wonder. Its goal is to strip any signs of experience from your face.
A lot of anti-ageing skincare uses preservatives and synthetics (man made chemicals) which can then be absorbed into the body. Achieving a youthful glow within your skin can be done with natural, organic skincare. Nature offers plenty of remedies that work alongside our skin, it's just finding the right formulation/combination.
Pro-Ageing Skincare
As you mature, you may need to adapt your skincare routine. Your body will change internally and externally. That's why it is important to adapt your lifestyle and your diet. Ensuring you keep exercising and eating healthily will help to fuel your body.
Ageing can’t be fought forever. Working with your body can help you look refreshed and healthy, without trying to work against nature. Choosing skincare that helps to support the ageing process also helps to support your body.
There are several areas on the face and body that are especially synonymous with ageing. Added care can be taken as you notice these changes occurring.
As we age, our natural skin ceramide levels reduce. What are Ceramides?
"Ceramides are lipids that help form the skin’s barrier and help skin retain moisture. Without the right ratio of ceramides the skin’s barrier can become dry, itchy and irritated." Says Dr Spiezia.
Less Ceramides also means thinning of the skin and loss of elasticity.
In skin products, ceramides are essential to replenish the natural lipids that are lost from exposure to harsh environmental factors and of course oil-based skincare is the best source of ceramides.
Where To Find Ceramides
Nature’s endless source of precious gifts give us many ways to get ceramides; in fact we can find them in most vegetable oils and wax, especially when organic and cold-pressed. You can especially find them in jojoba oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil and beeswax.
Reducing Fine Lines
Fine lines on the face, especially around the eyes and lips, can occur from a lack of collagen caused by ageing. Reducing the effect of these fine lines can help return a youthful look to the face.
Products such as our Line Softener Intensive, contain ingredients that stimulate collagen production, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines. This wonderful balm has also proved popular with our customers to lessen the appearance of scars on the face and the body as well as dark marks and sun spots.
Return Fullness To Thinning Lips
Your lips have no protective keratin or sebaceous glands, so constant exposure to the elements can take its toll. As we age, our lips tend to lose their fulness, meaning that a restorative treatment such as a Lip Serum may be needed to restore plumpness whilst deeply moisturising.
Restoring Moisture To Dry Skin
Even if your skin type wasn’t dry when you were younger, you may start to experience dryness in your skin as you age. Be conscious of the changes in your skin, as your favourite moisturiser may no longer prove effective.
Our Deep Moisture Balm has been specially formulated for those whose skin needs a little extra attention. Not just for dry, mature or sun-damaged skin, it’s suitable for all skin types and offers deeper moisture than our Face Oil.
If you don’t like the feeling of a heavy moisturiser on your skin during the day, a Night Balm can help restore moisture overnight. Wake up to refreshed and youthful skin.
How Does Our Pro-Ageing Skincare Work?
All of our Organic Skincare feature Dr Spiezia’s Bio Lipophilic Matrix®. This is a blend of organic, cold-pressed plant oils carefully nurtured for their high biochemical affinity to the skin.
Hyperspectral imaging is an “artificial eye” that allows us to “see” the reflected electromagnetic waves of a product or material. Our latest Hyperspectral Study showed that our skincare makes a scientific difference to the skin!
The findings were that Inlight Beauty skincare:
- Showed higher biophotons emission from the skin (more luminosity & radiance)
- Encouraged better blood & lymphatic flow
- Lower entropy (self-organisation at a molecular level leads to better interaction with the skin)
- 1/3 more photons were emitted due to the bespoke techniques we use during production
Dr Spiezia’s philosophy and bespoke production process actually produce products that work with your skin rather than just on it, allowing our best self to radiate from the inside out. Read more about our Hyperspectral Study here.
Pro-Ageing Skincare To Help You Age Gracefully
Your body is a beautiful tapestry of everything that has led you to who you are as a person right now. Our Pro-Ageing range recognises your natural beauty without trying to disguise who you are.
With inner happiness comes an opportunity to let your inner light and your beauty shine. By ageing with grace and being your authentic self, you will remain beautiful as you are.
“If you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
- Roald Dhal